miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Como GANAR $100 al día - Ganancias cada 60 segundos

Estimados Lectores. Mi nombre es Andrew Lloyd y soy asesor financiero online de JC Investing Ltd. Mi trabajo se basa en asesorar a personas como USTED para que logren generar ingresos en internet. En esta ocasión el método que les traigo NO los hará ricos ni muchos menos. Simplemente es un método que les permitirá ganar como mínimo $3.000 al mes SIN necesidad de tener experiencia previa.
Por favor dese USTED mismo una oportunidad en leer este articulo de solo 10 minutos de lectura y créame que quedara asombrado. Hoy en día existen miles de sitio web prometiendo hacerse ricos con solo oprimir un botón o un software milagroso, pero olvídese ya que es imposible. Al finalizar de leer este articulo tendrá la oportunidad de GANAR $100 al día. Por favor créame cuando le digo que CUALQUIER persona podrá realizar esto y hasta incluso le aseguro que les resultara FACIL, DIVERTIDO y ADICTIVO!
Preste atención al siguiente video de 72 segundos donde se RESUME como se opera con Opciones dentro del mercado de La Bolsa online. Antes de pensar que esto no es para usted, le aseguro que hasta un niño de 12 años podría transformarse en Operador de Bolsa profesional.

* SPOT publicitario de Broker Online
Como explica el video anterior, operar Opciones se basa en ELEGIR que sucederá con el precio de un ACTIVO (subirá o bajara) dentro de los próximos 60 segundos de haber hecho su elección. En el mercado de valores los precios de los activos están CONSTANTEMENTE subiendo o bajando. Por lo tanto, lo UNICO que usted deberá decidir son 2 opciones. SUBE o BAJA. Si pasado los 60 segundos USTED acierta, inmediatamente GANARA un 80%.
Ejemplo: Usted elige que el precio del PETROLEO SUBIRA en los próximos 60 segundos y pasado ese tiempo el precio SUBE ... usted GANARA el 80%.
¿Como SABER si un activo SUBIRA o BAJARA en 60 segundos?
Utilizando las plataformas de los Brokers es posible visualizar gráficos en tiempo real que muestra la evolución de los precios de los Activos. Ya todos hemos visto alguna vez los clásico CHARTS de cotizaciones de Bolsa. Desde las plataformas online de lo Brokers, junto a cada ACTIVO usted podrá observar que ha sucedido en los ÚLTIMOS 5 minutos con su precio. POR FAVOR preste mucha ATENCION con esta explicación ya que es la BASE del método que les revelare para ganar dinero de forma online.
Estos 3 GRAFICOS (CHARTS) representan lo que ha sucedido con el precio de un activo en los últimos 5 minutos.

Tendencia a SUBIR
El precio está subiendo, por lo cual invertiremos a que SUBIRA.

Tendencia Neutra
El precio se mantiene neutro y confuso.

Tendencia a BAJAR
El precio está bajando, por lo cual invertiremos a que BAJARA.
Paso 1:
Reconocer TENDENCIAS. Una vez ingresado a su plataforma online, podrá navegar y recorrer TODOS los Activos del mercado junto a sus gráficos de últimos 5 minutos. Compruebe de estar observando los últimos 5 minutos. Todos los brokers permiten ver la evolución del precio de los Activos en los últimos 5 minutos, 30 minutos, una hora, días, etc. USTED solo ase asegúrese estar observando los últimos 5 minutos.
Paso 2:
Usted deberá encontrar ACTIVOS que muestren una CLARA tendencia a la SUBA o a la BAJA. No hace falta ser un experto para interpretar las tendencias. Observe los 3 gráficos mostrados anteriormente y comprenderá como funcionan las tendencias. Existen miles de ACTIVOS. Simplemente vaya navegando dentro de la plataforma y cuando encuentre un Activo con una clara tendencia a la SUBA o a la BAJA, realice su operación forma inmediata. NO debería suceder, pero si usted tiene dudas de la tendencia, simplemente NO opere ese activo y busque otro donde este mas fácil de interpretar.
Paso 3:
Una vez que usted haya encontrado una clara tendencia de SUBA o BAJA, realice su inversión. Es decir, si el Activo muestra una tendencia a la SUBA, invierta a que ese activo SUBIRA en los próximos 60 segundos. Lo mismo para las tendencias a la BAJA, usted invertirá a que el Activo BAJARA. No importa si un activo esta a la SUBA o a la BAJA, usted PODRA invertir en ambos escenarios.
Es decir, invierte a que a que SUBE y termina BAJANDO. Es imposible ganar en todas las operaciones al comenzar, incluso si sigues el método completo. Es absolutamente normal perder algunas posiciones al abrirlas, ningún trader en el mundo puede presumir de obtener un beneficio en cada una de sus operaciones. Sin embargo, la estrategia de "seguimiento de tendencia" le permitirá llevar a cabo más cantidad de operaciones EXITOSAS que fallidas, lo que inevitablemente conduce a la llegada de ingresos a su cuenta.
Cada vez que usted logre ganar, VERIFIQUE nuevamente el gráficos de los últimos 5 minutos y si la tendencia se mantiene, VUELVA invertir. Si la tendencia YA NO es la misma, elija otro activo.
Las tendencias de los gráficos nos indican que debería suceder en los próximos minutos. Si en los últimos 5 minutos el precio de un Activo viene subiendo, debería suceder los mismo dentro de los próximos minutos. Este METODO tiene una efectividad aproximada del 70%, por lo cual es importante tener en cuenta que un 30% de los casos no le funcionara.
VIDEO de Demostración en VIVO
Vea este video DEMOSTRACION EN VIVO y empiece a Ganar Dinero en los proximos 5 minutos.

Este video demostrativo fue realizado en euros (€) pero usted puede usar la moneda que desee.
Para operar Opciones es necesario abrir una cuenta GRATIS en un Broker Online. Los Brokers ofrecen plataformas para operar online que son MUY fáciles e intuitivas. En solo 5 minutos usted sabrá como operar activos y podrá comenzar a ganar dinero. Tal como mencione anteriormente operar Opciones es muy entretenido. Al finalizar la lectura de este sitio web les recomendaremos cuales son lo Brokers mas confiable del mercado. Si usted ya conoce algún otro Broker también podrá beneficiarse del METODO para ganar dinero.
- si tiene $100 en su cuenta, cada posición abierta debe ser de un máximo de $10.
- si tiene $250 en su cuenta, cada posición abierta debe ser de un máximo de $25.
- si tiene $500 en su cuenta, cada posición abierta debe ser de un máximo de $50.
- etc ...
 Es totalmente posible transformarse en un Operador de Bolsa profesional en poco tiempo y hasta incluso poder vivir de esto. Siempre aconsejo a mis lectores que tengan mucha prudencia si deciden renunciar a su empleos y dedicarse a esto. Antes de tomar un decisión tan importante estén seguros de que haya pasado por lo mínimo 12 meses de buenos resultados. Si bien usted puede ganar menos dinero trabajando en su actual empleo, sepa que el valor de la seguridad de tener un empleo es invaluable. No se apresure.

 Algunos lectores nos informan que según el día de la semana, pueden acceder a operaciones que vencen cada 60 segundos o cada 5 minutos. Es importante que usted entienda que en este articulo mencionamos operación de 60 segundos, pero NO es una condición fundamental. Usted puede operar con activos que venzan en 60 segundos, 5 minutos o mas. Si los brokers le permiten hacerlo cada 5 minutos y NO cada 60 segundos, esto NO afecta la estrategia planteada en este articulo. La única diferencia es que en lugar de tener que esperar 60 segundos, deberá esperar 4 minutos mas (5 minutos en total).

 Finalmente, les recomendamos que hagan uso del soporte de ayuda que ofrecen los Brokers. Cuando usted se registre en un Broker, se le será asignado un "Ejecutivo de Cuentas" para poder asistirlo en caso de que necesite ayuda. Los Brokers seleccionados en este portal tiene un EXCELENTE sistema de soporte de ayuda que usted puede acceder por medio de un CHAT, enviando un mail, llamando por teléfono a lineas gratuitas o bien solicitar que lo llame a usted por teléfono. Aproveche este servicio de ayuda GRATUITO y realice todas las consultas que necesite a su Ejecutivo de Cuentas que se le será asignado.

 La principal razón por la cual este método no le resulta a algunas personas se debe a la falta de conducta. Es MUY importante realizar inversiones chicas y no dejarse ganar por la ambición. Muchas personas encuentran resultados de forma rápida e inmediatamente intentan romper la regla y terminar invirtiendo montos de dinero mas grandes.
Si usted ya tiene una cuenta en otro Broker no es necesario que se cree otra nueva. Lo Brokers seleccionados por nosotros esta recomendado al termino de esta pagina " ya que son los mas conocidos en el mercado y tienen buenas e intuitivas plataformas, incluso para operar desde smartphones y tablets. Lo mas importante es que están reguladas en la Union Europea. Crearse una cuenta es GRATIS y demora menos de 5 minutos. A diario recibo mails de lectores que están maravillados con este Brokers. 

¿Cuanto dinero Depositar?
Al momento de la apertura de cuenta con el Broker deberá realizar un deposito inicial. Tenga en cuenta que el deposito inicial NO tiene relación con lo que usted invertirá por operación. Ejemplo: Si usted realiza un deposito inicial de $50, luego podrá invertir de a $5 por operación, es decir, NO esta obligado a invertir los $50 en una sola operación. Muchos lectores nos pregunta cual es el monto INICIAL recomendado a depositar en cada Brokery esto depende de las posibilidades económicas de cada inversor. Cuanto mas dinero pueda depositar en su cuenta del Broker, mas segura será su inversión. Desde ya que si usted puede depositar $200, este dinero será mas que suficiente para operar de forma MUY segura. De todas formas, no todas los inversores pueden invertir estos montos por primera vez. Los brokers seleccionado permiten depositar el monto que USTED quiera dependiendo del país donde usted este viviendo debido a regulaciones de comercio internacionales. Hay países donde se puede iniciar con apenas $50 y otros con montos mayores. Les recomendamos que realice la apertura de cuenta en los Brokers recomendados y una vez registrado podrá saber cual es el monto MINIMO posible dependiendo del país donde USTED este viviendo (radicado). Si usted no puede invertir mucho dinero, deposite el mínimo que le permita el Broker. Ahora si USTED realmente puede realizar un deposito inicial entre $200, su inversión será mas segura. Mas allá de cuanto dinero pueda depositar de forma inicial, lo importante es que usted vaya tomando confianza en sus operaciones.
« Comentarios Recientes » Ultima Actualización: Abril 2019
Sebastian: Hola. Estoy operando desde hace 2 meses y vengo cobrando mis ganancias por medio de transferencia bancaria a la cuenta de uno amigo. Podes recomendarme alguna alternativa para poder cobrar mis ganancias yo mismo? Se puede con Western Union? no tengo cuenta de banco.
Administrador: Hola Sebastian. Efectivamente podes solicitar que te paguen por Western Union, todos los broker ofrecen ese servicio. La otra opción es que uses o te crees una cuenta PayPal y que te paguen ahí mismo. Saludos.
Joaquin: Estimados. En lineas generales vengo haciendome de unos buenos ingresos operando opciones , pero no logro comprender por que los días viernes son los que menos efectividad tengo. Si bien logro ganar dinero en general, los viernes necesito mas tiempo para generar lo mismo.
Administrador: Joaquin. Lo que te pasa a ti, le ocurre a la mayoría de los operadores de bolsa. Esto debe fundamentalmente a que los mercados están mas volátiles que otros días. Como tu dices, el método funciona pero te demorar mas tiempo en generarlo. Aprovecha y haz un descanso :)
Miguel Angel: Buenos dias. Es posible hacer la misma operacion sobre un activo desde las 2 plataformas? Opero con las dos ya que una funciona mejor en mi teléfono inteligente y la otra mejor con mi PC.
Administrador: Miguel. La mayoría de los operadores utilizan al menos 2 o 3 brokers en simultáneo. Lo que NO te recomiendo es que hagas 2 operaciones CLONADAS en simultáneo, es decir, operes el mismo activo. Haciendo esto estarás perdiendo el control y por lo tanto la conducta. Exitos!
Andres: Hola. Estoy teniendo muy buenos resultados especialemte cuando opero activos como precio del oro, petroleo y cosas asi. Puede ser?? alguno otro que se mejor que otros?
Administrador: Hola Andres! No hay nada comprobado que un activo en especial sea mas efectivo al momento de operar. Si sigues en buena racha, escribe nuevamente y te acompañaremos!! :)
Ricardo: Hola Andrew. Presencie una charla suya en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid el pasado mes de mayo. Queria agradecerle por habernos presentado esta oportunidad y nos encantaria volver a escucharlo personalmente.
Administrador: Ricardo, como estas? Fue un placer dicha charla en Madrid. Probablemente en el 2019 estaré por ahi nuevamente.
Isabel: Holasss. Sinceramente pense que las mujeres no podiamos formar parte de este mundo bursatil. Le estoy totalmente agradecida por haberme introducido a las opciones . Haber remplazado al Candy Crush por esto fue la mejor elección de mi vida!!!!!
Administrador: Isabel. No te sientas sola en este mundo. Si bien los hombres abundan mas que las mujeres en el mercado bursátil, este novedoso mercado de opciones es casi igualitario en popularidad entre hombres y mujeres. Por muchas mas operaciones exitosas!!
Damian: Hola Andres. Un gusto conocerte. Ante todo, muchas gracias por la ayuda que me haz dado. Queria preguntarte si es normal que en los primeros 3 dias que vengo trabajando con birnarias no logro poder superar los $60 diarios. Disculpa por mi ansiedad pero quiero saber soy voy bien.
Administrador: Damian. Vas muy bien! Es normal lo que describes. Sigue practicando y lograras superar el monto diario. A por ellos! :)
Jordi: holaa, esto esta que mola!!!!!! Tengo una cuenta desde hace unos dias y vengo generando buena pasta. La cuenta esta a nombre de mi papa ya que soy menor de edad pero quiero cobrar el dinero que vengo generando yo mismo y no a la cuenta de banco de mi papa. como hago?? tengo acumulados $1780. que hago? no tengo cuenta en un banco.

Administrador: Jordi. Lo mejor en tu caso es que cobres por PayPal. Muchos Operadores como vos no tienen cuenta en un banco y directamente cobran con sus PayPal y luego usan los fondos para comprar productos online. Recuerda que hoy todo el mundo vende con PayPal. Abrir una cuenta es gratis y te lleva unos minutos. Ve a www.PayPal.com y fijate! Luego dile a tu Broker que te envie el dinero a tu PayPal y listo! ya tienes tu dinero para gastar. Si algun dia quieres retirar el dinero en tu PayPal, consigue una cuenta bancaria de un amigo o familiar y pidele a PayPal que te envie el dinero al banco.

¿Como empezar? Haga CLIC en el Broker que desea invertir

 Advertencia de Riesgo Los servicios financieros proporcionados por este sitio web conllevan un alto nivel de riesgo y puede resultar en la pérdida de todos sus fondos. Nunca se debe invertir dinero que no pueda permitirse perder.

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019

The Biggest Oil Producers in Asia

Asia accounted for more than 9.2% of the world's oil production in 2014. The region was led by China and India, the world's fourth and 20th biggest oil-producing nations, respectively. In recent years, Asia's share of world oil production has been on a slow but regular decline. This is primarily a consequence of flat regional oil production during a period of rising overall global output.
In the five years from 2010 to 2014, Asian oil output rose slightly from about 8.5 million barrels per day in 2010 to just over 8.6 million barrels per day in 2014. During the same period, world oil production grew more than 5%, from about 88.1 million barrels per day to about 93.1 million barrels per day. While a number of countries in the region have discovered large new reserves, others face declining production from aging oil fields. Consequently, analysts expect recent production trends to continue for the region as a whole.

1. China

China is the biggest oil producer in the region by a substantial margin, accounting for nearly 4.6 million barrels of oil per day in 2014. It is responsible for nearly 53% of Asia's total production. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Chinese oil production has grown every year since 1981 without exception. In the most recent five-year period from 2010 to 2014, production grew a total of about 4.6%.
The oil industry in China is led by several of the largest energy companies in the world: China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, known as Sinopec; China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC; and China National Petroleum Corporation, or CNPC. In 2014, these three companies combined to produce a total of over 1.4 billion barrels of oil in China, more than 85% of the country's total annual production. In the same year, the companies combined to produce an additional 630 million barrels of oil in dozens of countries around the world.

2. India

India accounted for production of about 978,000 barrels of oil per day in 2014, the fifth year in a row daily production neared but did not clear the 1 million barrel mark. While production growth has essentially flatlined in recent years, oil consumption in India continues to grow by leaps and bounds. National oil consumption reached nearly 3.7 million barrels per day in 2013, the most recent year for which data is available. In the five years from 2009 to 2013, Indian oil consumption grew a total of more than 19.3%, far outpacing domestic production. As of 2013, India is the fourth largest oil importer in the world.
Oil production in India is dominated by the state-owned enterprise, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, which accounted for roughly 60% of domestic production in 2013. An additional 27% of Indian oil is produced by Cairn India Limited, the Indian subsidiary of the British oil and gas company, Cairn Energy PLC.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia comes in just behind India with production of about 911,000 barrels per day in 2014. In the 1990s, when production was at a high, Indonesia produced between 1.5 million and 1.7 million barrels per day. Since that period, however, production has followed a nearly unbroken downward trend to the current level. In 2009, the combination of declining production in aging oil fields and rising domestic demand led Indonesia to exit Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), of which it had been a member since 1962.
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, a subsidiary of the American energy giant Chevron Corporation, is Indonesia's biggest oil producer, accounting for about 40% of production in 2014. Indonesia's state-owned energy company, PT Pertamina, was responsible for an additional 26% of the country's production. Foreign oil companies including Total SA, ConocoPhillips Co. and CNOOC are also significant producers.

4. Malaysia

Malaysia produced about 697,000 barrels of oil per day in 2014, most of which was extracted from offshore fields. Over the course of more than two decades since 1991, production in the country fluctuated between 650,000 and 850,000 barrels per day. According to the U.S. EIA, recent downward production trends can be attributed largely to declining output on aging oil fields. The Malaysian government is responding by encouraging investment in recovery technology and new field development.
Petroliam Nasional Berhad, also known as Petronas, is Malaysia's state-owned energy corporation. It controls all oil and gas resources in the country and is responsible for development of those assets. International integrated oil and gas companies, such as Exxon Mobil Corporation, Murphy Oil Corporation and Royal Dutch Shell plc, are involved with Petronas in oil production activities in Malaysia, including partnerships in enhanced oil recovery projects on aging oil fields.

5. Thailand

Oil production in Thailand has trended upward in recent years, rising from about 390,000 barrels per day in 2010 to nearly 502,000 barrels per day in 2014. This performance continues a nearly unbroken growth trend that began in 1980 when the country produced only 1,300 barrels per day. Despite this growth, Thailand must import large quantities of oil to meet its domestic demand. In 2013, Thailand consumed nearly 1.2 million barrels of oil per day, requiring net oil imports on the order of 700,000 per day to meet demand.
Chevron is the biggest oil producer in Thailand. It operates Thailand's largest oil field, Benjamas, and has investments in many other important production sites in the country. Thailand's state-owned oil company, PTT Exploration and Production, is the country's second-largest oil producer. Other international companies involved in oil production in Thailand include Coastal Energy Company and Salamander Energy plc.

6. Vietnam

Vietnam has maintained oil production volumes between 300,000 and 400,000 barrels per day since 2000. Its daily production in 2014 amounted to about 316,000 barrels. In 2011, offshore exploration and drilling activities raised Vietnam's proven oil reserves from 600 million barrels to 4.4 billion barrels, rocketing it into third place in Asia after China and India. Industry analysts expect further discoveries as exploration of Vietnam's offshore waters continues.

Vietnam's state-owned oil and gas company, PetroVietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation, is involved in all oil production in Vietnam via its production subsidiary, PetroVietnam Exploration Production Corporation, and its joint ventures with international oil companies. Chevron, Exxon Mobil and the Russian company, Zarubezhneft OAO, are several of the largest international producers operating in Vietnam.

South Asia: The New Face of Emerging Economies

The World Bank reports that growth in South Asia has increased from 6.2% to 7.5% between 2013 and 2016. During the same period, the growth rate of developed economies remained stagnant at lower rates in the range of 1% to 3%, and those of other developing nations (like BRICs, except for India) remained flat or even turned negative. Amid sluggish global growth, the South Asian region has emerged with consistent and strong performance.
This article explores the economic potential of the economies in South Asia, and what makes each of these nations have the next high-growth potential.

South Asia: Less Vulnerable to Global Financial Turmoil

The South Asian region primarily comprises India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, as well as smaller nations, like Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives.
While many of these economies have a considerable share of revenues from international exports, domestic demand is expected to be the primary driver for growth in near future. Domestic markets make these economies less prone to external vulnerabilities and global financial turmoil.
Almost all of these nations are net importers of commodities. Thus, while many energy-hungry nations such as India have efficiently used the recent low cost of oil to stockpile huge inventories of oil for future use, rising energy prices present long-term downside risks. Nations like Bangladesh have emerged as major exporters of textile products and have benefited from lower prices of cotton.
At the same time, as most South Asian countries are not huge importers of finished goods: many are involved in importing raw commodities to manufacture finished goods for export. This dampens the prospective effects of trade protectionism. At the same time, cheaper imports have allowed manufacturing of finished products at lower costs, offering competitive advantage for international exports.
Cheaper commodities also assisted these economies with declining inflation, enabling governments to focus on infrastructure development and move ahead with much-needed economic reforms.
The region generally has stable governments that have introduced supportive policies to facilitate international investments and helped improve investor sentiment.
With increased capital inflows, the current account deficit of the majority of South Asian nations has reduced. Though the currencies have declined against the U.S. dollar, the decline served beneficially to generate more revenues from exports. The same assisted in building high forex reserves, as South Asia received high inflows of remittances.

Future Projections

While the South Asian economies showed strong GDP growth from 6.2% in 2013 to 7.5% between 2013 and 2016, the World Bank estimates that momentum will subside in coming years before regaining in 2019.

Country-Specific Accounts

India, the bellwether of the group, has successfully diversified its manufactured product base and enhanced its production capabilities. It progresses with one of the highest growth rates, and could fare even much better. Recently, India has managed to attract foreign investments, liberalized FDI in key sectors like defense, real estate, railways and insurance, and progressed towards energy efficiency. However, the hurdles in implementing key reforms, including a goods and services tax (GST) and land acquisition bill, continue to pose impediments.
An aggressive cut in subsidies has released funds for development needs, and an increase in ventures under public-private partnerships is also aiding the growth momentum.
The well-formulated “Make In India” campaign has started supporting local manufacturers, and attracted multinational corporations and even nations to set up manufacturing facilities in India across different industry and services sectors. A study by UK think tank the Centre for Economics Business and Research (CEBR) suggests that “India could become the world's third largest economy after 2030,” and together with Brazil it could lead to "France and Italy kicked out of the exclusive G8 group” in the next 15 years. (For more, see India: A Bright Spot in Today's Global Investment Landscape.)
Pakistan continues to benefit from increased investments from China, and the return of Iran to international markets is expected to boost mutual trade. Additionally, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is expected to bolster the Pakistani economy through to 2030. According to Dawn news, “The CPEC is a 3,000-km network of roads, railways and oil and gas pipelines from Gwadar port (in Pakistan) to Kashgar city in north-western China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.”
Bangladesh has emerged as a leading manufacturer of textile products. The forecast of increase in domestic demand, hike in public sector wages, and increased construction activity will bolster its economy in near term.
The smaller economies of Bhutan and Sri Lanka too have strong growth projections. Bolstered by increasing foreign investments, Bhutan has embarked on building three major hydropower projects to boost its industries and revenues, while Sri Lanka is going for policy reforms to boost its service sector growth. Both these nations are also expected to benefit from high growth in the tourism sector, which has so far remained untapped in its true potential.
While the majority of the global FDI investments are made in India, other South Asian nations are gaining their share. For instance, China has increased its energy supplies in Nepal, port and logistics construction in Sri Lanka, and infrastructure and production in Pakistan.
The risk profile for most South Asian nations is assessed to be low, as they are commodity importing and their growth is forecasted to be driven by domestic demand. Risk primarily remains dependent on domestic factors and can be mitigated at the individual level in a timely manner. For instance, India faces delays in implementing reforms, Maldives has been running into challenges due to political problems, Nepal continues to recoup the losses due to last year’s earthquake and recent political transition by introducing a new constitution, while Pakistan continues to battle on the security front.

The Untapped Intra-region Potential

Though the large nations in the region, India and Pakistan, have successfully managed to increase their trade share with East Asian and Sub-Saharan African nations in recent times, a lot of potential with other developing nations across the globe still remains untapped for the entire region. The region as a whole has remained closed to the rest of the world due to lack of economic integration.
These countries have limited business integration with each other, for various political and historical reasons. The World Bank reports that “On average, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh’s exports to each other amount to less than 2 percent of total exports.”
For instance, after Mexico-U.S. and Russia-Ukraine, the Bangladesh-India corridor ranks third in the list of top migration corridors, which accounts for $4.6 billion remittances in 2015 between the two nations. If the existing trade barriers are eliminated facilitating regulated trade flow, the untapped potential can do wonders for this region.

The Bottom Line

With a projected growth rate of 6.2%, the South Asian region has all it takes to be the next bright spot in the global economy. Though challenges remain due to political uncertainty, bureaucratic red tape and security concerns, the potential can increase manifolds if the nations forego their historical and geopolitical differences and present a collective front to emerge as an integrated economic powerhouse.

These Will Be the World's Top Economies in 2020

By the year 2020, a great shift will have occurred in the worldwide balance of economic power. Analysts predict emerging market economies will become some of the most important economic forces, and China will take the top spot in the list of the world’s largest economies by gross domestic product (GDP), both outright and measured in terms of purchasing power parity.

The Current Top Economies of the World

As of 2015, some of the largest economies in the world include the United States, China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, India, Brazil, Italy and Russia. Most of the economies in this top 10 list are developed countries in the western world, while China, India, Russia and Brazil are emerging market economies.

The Top Economies of 2020

The rising importance of emerging market economies in 2020 will have broad implications for the world’s allocation of consumption, investments and environmental resources. Vast consumer markets in the primary emerging market economies will provide domestic and international businesses with many opportunities. Although income per capita will remain the highest in the world's developed economies, the growth rate in per capita income will be much higher in major emerging market nations such as China and India.
According to anticipated GDP in terms of PPP, in 2020 the top economies will be China, the U.S., India, Japan, Russia, Germany, Brazil, the U.K., France and Mexico. One of the major reasons for the growth of emerging economies is that advanced economies are mature markets that are slowing. Since the 1990s, the economies of advanced countries have experienced far slower growth in comparison to the rapid growth of emerging economies such as India and China. The worldwide financial crisis from 2008 to 2009 fueled the trend of decline among the advanced economies.
For example, in 2000 the U.S., the number one economy in the world, accounted for 24% of the world's total GDP. This declined to just over 20% in 2010. The financial crisis and a faster-paced growth by emerging economies were key factors in the decline of the U.S. economy in relation to China. In the mid-2000s, Japan’s economy saw a slight recovery after a lengthy period of inactivity that was due, at least in part, to inefficient investments and to the burst of the asset price bubbles. The global economic downturn has had a significant impact on the country because of prolonged deflation and the country’s heavy dependence on trade.
The economies of countries in the European Union, which include France, Italy and Germany, account for just over 20% of the world’s total GDP. This is a relatively large decrease from the year 2000, when these countries collectively held over 25% of the world’s GDP. The increase in average population age and rising unemployment rates is contributing to this slowdown.
Before the Brexit vote in late June, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a report warning the UK of the economical consequences of leaving the EU. The IMF estimated that the negative effect on GDP following a leave-vote could be anywhere between 1-9.5%. The UK voted to leave and until trade agreements have been made, it will be difficult to accurately estimate an impact on the GDP.
Brexit aside, the IMF predicts advanced economies will experience a growth of less than 3% in 2020. Advanced economies are also facing challenges in terms of public debt reduction and government budget deficits. The IMF also forecasts that growth of Asian economies will be significantly higher, at approximately 9.5%. As of 2015, the growth of these Asian economies is one of the factors driving the worldwide economic recovery.

The Advancing of Emerging Countries

Emerging economies are catching up with the progress of the advanced world and are predicted to overtake many of them by 2020. This will cause a substantial shift in the balance of economic power around the world. China’s share of the world’s total GDP increased more than 6% from 2000 to 2010. Analysts and the IMF anticipate China taking over the lead position as the world’s largest economy, and posit China may overthrow the U.S. as early as 2017. By some calculations, China is already ranked as the largest economy in the world.
As of 2015, India has the 10th largest economy in the world. Many analysts foresee India surging in growth and taking over Japan’s place as the third largest economy in the world by 2020. Some believe India may grow even faster and push the U.S. into third place. Analysts point out India’s young and faster-growing population as key factors in the rate of growth for this country’s economy.
Russian and Brazilian growth potential is great, as both countries are two of the world’s largest exporters of natural resources and energy. However, in the future, the lack of economic diversification in Russia may be likely to cause the country some difficulty with continued growth.
Analysts also expect that by 2020, Mexico will have the 10th largest economy by GDP measured at PPP terms. The country’s proximity to the U.S., growing business and trade deals with the U.S. and a growing population will aid its economic development.

Implications of the Economic Shift

As household incomes rise and populations expand, the service and consumer goods markets will present exponential opportunities in emerging markets. More specifically, luxury goods will have opportunities in these markets as more families reach the middle class.
One of the biggest implications is the importance placed on younger consumers. Though in some emerging countries, including China, the population is aging, the population of emerging markets is overall significantly younger than those of people in advanced economies. Young consumers also represent substantial power over purchases, particularly large items such as cars and homes, as well as the items needed to furnish homes.

Emerging countries are likely to become important foreign investors. The foreign investments they are responsible for making only serve to enhance their influence in the global economy. Investments from foreign countries, including those from advanced nations, will also flow more readily into these developing nations, further driving their economies toward future growth.